
Wagtail Autocomplete is an open-source project and we welcome contributions! The eventual goal is to merge Wagtail Autocomplete into Wagtail core, so contributions should be made with that in mind.

We accept both issue reports and code contributions through our GitHub repository.

Code Style

This repo follows Wagtail’s guidelines. Clone wagtail/wagtail in a separate folder and run linters with their configuration.

gem install scss_lint
npm run lint:css -- --config /path/to/wagtail/.scss-lint.yml
npm run lint:js -- --config /path/to/wagtail/.eslintrc

flake8 --config /path/to/wagtail/tox.ini wagtailautocomplete
isort --check-only --diff --recursive wagtailautocomplete

Frontend Development

Wagtail Autocomplete uses Webpack <> to compile our javascript. To have Webpack watch for changes as you develop, first ensure that you have the node requirements installed:

npm install

then run:

npm run start

You can end the watch process with ctrl-C. Do commit compiled Javascript and CSS assets to the repo. Before committing, run:

npm run build

to create a production-ready build of assets.

Compiling the documentation

The Wagtail Autocomplete documentation is built with Sphinx. To install Sphinx and compile the documentation, run:

cd /path/to/wagtail-autocomplete
pip install -e .[docs]
cd docs
make html

The compiled documentation will now be in docs/_build/html. Open this directory in a web browser to see it. Python comes with a module that makes it very easy to preview static files in a web browser. To start this simple server, run the following commands:

# from insde of /path/to/wagtail-autocomplete/docs
cd _build/html/
python -m http.server 8080

Now you can open <http://localhost:8080/> in your web browser to see the compiled documentation.

Running the test suite

This project uses pytest and tox to run its test suite. To install pytest and run the test suite, run:

cd /path/to/wagtail-autocomplete
pip install -e .[tests]

To run the test suite against all dependency permutations, ensure that you have all the necessary Python interpreters installed and run:


If you make changes to test models, you must regenerate the migrations in wagtailautocomplete/tests/testapp/migrations/. This can be a sort of tricky process and is left as an excercise to the reader until I’m able to standardize a mechanism for doing so. Since test models are ephemeral it is OK, and even preferable, to regenerate migrations from scratch for each change.